Subject:                                     Investing in Healthcare Worker Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic


As parts of the world slowly recover from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of healthcare worker safety has become a widespread topic. Inadequate allocation of safety and personal protective equipment is dangerous to the health and wellbeing of healthcare staff and patients. We need to invest in safety equipment for unique challenges of coronavirus, and the everyday challenges healthcare workers face.

A report from Public Citizen found that more injuries occur to healthcare workers than those in any other industry. 


Rates of injuries involving days spent away from work (per 10,000 workers)

The National Patient Safety Foundation (USA)  has stated that prioritising the well-being and safety of healthcare workers is required for a stronger patient safety culture. They suggested that workforce support should include providing proper equipment and comprehensive training, and addressing low morale, professional burnout, and lack of staff engagement.

A systematic focus on healthcare worker safety has been reported to have the following flow-on effects: 
•    Increased quality of patient care and service
•    Efficient patient flow
•    Decreased absenteeism and overtime
•    Reduced lost time (caused by injuries or sickness)
•    Reduced need for agency staff (lower costs)
•    Higher staff retention
•    Improved communication and teamwork
•    Higher work satisfaction and productivity
•    A healthier, stable workforce

To learn more about how your facility can translate staff and patient safety goals into practice, read our blog below.




Investing in safety not only helps to reduce costs and reduce risk and exposure to liability, but also helps to create a more positive working environment. Here at Qlicksmart, we stand by healthcare workers as they stand up for their safety – so should you


For more than 20 years, Qlicksmart has advocated to keep healthcare workers safe and focused on their patients. Now, more than ever, it is clear that when safety equipment is not adequate, healthcare worker’s lives are at risk. And when healthcare workers are unable to protect themselves, patients suffer.